Saturday, April 03, 2010

Customer Service - Better or Worse Today than Years Gone By?

I've spent probably in the neighborhood of 15,000-20,000 hours researching Customer Service (whether it be interviewing business leaders who have excelled at building exceptional customer service programs, reading books by the best of the best award winning customer service gurus, conducting customer service panels, gathering surveys on customer service, reading or writing customer service articles, and/or applying and teaching strategies for Creating A+ Customer Experiences personally).

I guess it's safe to say that I'm passionate about the importance of customers receiving better than sub-par levels of customer satisfaction.

Actually, this week I'll be releasing my first Customer Service CD Program (which is actually a condensed version of the program I bring to my clients) because I'm wanting to do whatever I can to raise awareness to the importance of Serving OUR Customers in a way that makes them say WOW because of a great experience more than they say WOW because of a poor one.

By the way, the stats above are not meant to impress you, I just simply want you to know that I have spent some time in the trenches. It's also not to say that the companies we operate are perfect either, but it is to say that we are often very conscious of the times when we make mistakes, we do spend time surveying our customers to determine satisfaction level, and we know that our delivering a lot of exceptional experiences to our customers could be the difference between our company's long term growth (and my long term personal fulfillment).

As such, I plan to dedicate the next few blogs to this topic. The topic of not only how one goes about delivering an exceptional customer experience but also what is standing in our way and why I feel we (as a society) are currently going in the wrong direction.

HINT: It's much bigger, in my opinion, than simply having the wrong staff or being the wrong person for the job (although that will certainly be a factor).

SECOND HINT: Technology plays a part, attitude and upbringing plays a part, happiness or lack thereof plays a part and so on. In fact, these elements play such a big part that we'll touch on these before we start talking ways you can turn the tables and have your clients saying WOW for the right reasons.

These elements also play such a big part that I have dedicated a Chapter to them in my upcoming book on Customer Service / Creating Exceptional Customer Experiences.

Until next time,