Friday, May 14, 2010


I do a lot of traveling as a result of my Speaking Career and the Newspaper we publish on a monthly basis.

I go through a BIG coffee shop enterprise on a regular basis and 9 times out of 10 the employee at the drive-through keeps my change without asking if I want it back.

Ironically, I don't want the change back but I also don't want anyone assuming that they can keep it.

I sometimes wonder when this will be addressed - I've spoken up and asked individual managers who said "wow, that should not happen" but on each successive trip through the exact same establishment it continues to....and I haven't had time to bring it to the attention of the executive team (i.e. CEO) within the organization....sometime soon I'm sure.

hmmm...Should I still care? Should I bring my business somewhere else? So many options to consider....don't even get me started about the fact that I have to ask for ketchup if I want some ( sad)

In the meantime - Onward and Upward
