Tuesday, May 25, 2010


My Mother's Mailman (well Mail-lady actually) used to arrive every-day with a dog biscuit for the Black Lab that My Mother had for 9 years.

I think it's safe to say that she didn't receive any financial benefit as a result of taking this extra initiative, however, she sure had fans in my Mother and my Mother's dog.

Had she went into business for herself after all those years of going above and beyond, and had my Mother discovered this, isn't it safe to say that my Mother would be a major supporter in helping her business grow?

Want to know why more people don't go this far? Check back later this week for my opinion on this.

Until that time, perhaps you might like to think of a way that you can create fans for your personal brand like this Mail-Lady did with my Mother and my Mother's dog, and also like this lady, without expecting anything in return.

Until that time, onwards and upwards,